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Empowering Communities To Help Themselves

The Expand the Middle Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to provide educational and support services that help communities acquire and apply the know-how to design, implement, and sustain practical, effective solutions to the social, economic, and other real-world issues that genuinely matter most to the vast majority of people in the USA. ​ 


Expand the Middle honors and advocates the nonpartisan American way of life.

Group Planting a Tree

What We Do

Welcome to Expand the Middle – a community where dialogue ignites action and diverse voices converge to shape America's future. Our mission is to go beyond the conventional political and other divides, creating a space where the 'middle' is reimagined not as a static political or unaffiliated stance, but as the vibrant outcome of engaged, diverse dialogues and collaborative initiatives.    


Here at Expand the Middle, we are dedicated to fostering discussions that drive us towards actionable, evidence-based solutions which genuinely serve the majority of Americans. We believe in the power of understanding and mutual respect in crafting policies that reflect the real experiences and needs of our nation's people.  Our focus is on nurturing a nationwide culture and living environment that is not a zero-sum game; rather a collegial environment where the middle ground is celebrated as a dynamic intersection of ideas. It's a space where opposing views are not just heard, but actively sought and engaged with, leading to innovative solutions that embody the best from all sides.  This middle ground is where compromise becomes a collective strength, and where the diversity of thought is the cornerstone of progress … the foundation for the whole to become much greater than the sum of the parts.  


Expand the Middle is not a philosophical think tank, nor is it a political organization, lobbyist, wishful-thinking support group, or similar endeavor. We are a nationwide community of everyday Americans which includes a pro bono professional services team comprised of highly competent and experienced men and women (and supporting public and private institutions) who are genuinely committed to help people and communities acquire and apply the know-how to: design effective solutions to those issues that matter most to them; secure the financial and other resources required to implement and sustain those solutions; and, employ disciplined, battle-tested methods to ensure those solutions are implemented on time and on budget, and consistently deliver expected results.​


Join us in this journey to Expand the Middle. Together, we'll create a future where constructive conversations and collaborative actions catalyze meaningful change, and where the middle is not a compromise, but a testament to our united strength in diversity. Let's build a community where every voice matters, and where the collective pursuit of progress and the American dream unites us all.

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